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6 Cyber Security Statistics That Will Scare You This Halloween

Written by iV4 Blog | Oct 20, 2017 4:11:36 PM

Halloween is the scariest time of year and to help get in the spirit of holiday here are 6 statistics about cyber security that are sure to get your heart racing.


 1. 43% of Cyber Attacks Target Small Businesses.

Most small businesses think because they're not a recognizable brand, then they're not a target for malicious hackers. In reality, the opposite is true. SMB's typically have a smaller IT department and budget making them an easier target. Also consider the amount of information small businesses collect on a daily basis. Doctor's, lawyers, and financial institutions all possess large amounts of personal identifiable information (social security numbers, bank account information) that could be valuable to any hacker.
This number can be even more terrifying when you also consider that 60% of small businesses will go out of business within 6 months of a cyber-attack.


2. 75% of the Healthcare Industry Has Been Infected With Malware Over The Past Year

If the that first statistic made you sick then you might not want to go to the doctor. The medical industry is the number one targeted industry for malware. Not only does the medical industry handle patient's personal identifiable information, the large number of attacks could be attributed to the rise of the Internet of Things.
With more medical devices connected to a hospitals network the devices have now become vulnerable to attacks. What’s even scarier, if malware infects certain devices, it could possible lead to the death of a patient.


3. The Average Hacker Stays Hidden For 170 Days On A Network

In this era, it's not a matter of if you're going to get hacked, it's just a matter of when. Even with that knowledge it can still be very hard to protect yourself. Many companies do not even realize they have been breached until it is too late. You have to have a keen eye and strong IT department to see the warning signs early.
To learn more on how to make sure your security program is up to par check out our 3 must haves for an effective security program.


4. Every 39 Seconds There Is A Cyber Attack

Speaking of time, there is a cyber-attack every 39 seconds. That means there has been at least 2 just in the time you have been reading this post.
Long are the days where malicious cyber activity requires a person to physically attempt to compromise your network. Now, hackers have password cracking tools and other automated capabilities that require a fraction of time and minimal effort.


5. Cybercrime Will Cost Businesses Over $2 Trillion By 2019

The cost of a cyber-attack has been on the rise and it's not slowing down. For SMB's, the average cost of a breach is $117,000. Which is a major blow to any company's bank account. Incidents that involve non-computing connected devices cost on average $152,000, and physical loss of devices or media that contain data at a cost of $83,000

6. 4 Million Files Stolen From Breaches Every Day Since 2013

With more information being stored digitally than ever before, hackers have a huge library of information that they can try to get their hands on. When you break down the 4 million files stolen every day that means there are 158,727 files stolen every hour, 2,645 per minute, or 44 per second. With such a large number of files stolen each day it is important to make sure your security measures are up to date and monitored regularly.
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iV4 Security Solutions

iV4's Security Managed IT Solutions is a comprehensive security managed service that complements an internal IT team by establishing a holistic security program, including regulatory compliance requirements.

Study on Frequency of Cyber Attacks : https://eng.umd.edu/news/story/study-hackers-attack-every-39-seconds
Small Businesses Becoming Bigger Targets; https://smallbiztrends.com/2016/04/cyber-attacks-target-small-business.html
Healthcare Industry Attacks: https://www.scmagazine.com/75-of-healthcare-industry-hit-with-malware-report/article/569614/
Time to Find A Breach: https://www.itgovernanceusa.com/blog/how-long-does-it-take-to-detect-a-cyber-attack/
Cost of an Attack:https://www.juniperresearch.com/press/press-releases/cybercrime-cost-businesses-over-2trillion