iV4's Chief Technology Officer, Michael Montagliano, provides insight on what key characteristics make up a solid cybersecurity provider. Take a look at what he has to say.

Ideally, a security provider should have a good mix of both skills and subject matter experts on their team.
If a client has an Active Directory (AD) project being implemented, do the engineers building AD and the security team work together to provide “security by design”? The ability to align enterprise architecture with security architecture is what really differentiates a true security provider. If security is an afterthought in design, then you might want to look elsewhere.
As simple as this sounds, truly understanding a client’s requirements, aligning and putting their concept of operations into context, and building a relationship with internal IT to drive cultural adoption of the security program, are critical to success.
Before a security incident happens. If you do experience an incident, it's your company's name in the news, not your security provider. Give yourself time to select the company that best fits your business's needs.
With decades of experience, industry certifications, and subject matter expertise, our Security Team addresses problem areas, before they disrupt your organization.