An internet outage or inaccessible systems can cost your company thousands of dollars every day, even if your business is small. This quiz will help guide your company toward an effective recovery plan.
That's why it's extremely important to prepare for the worst, whether it's a security threat, a natural disaster, or a power outage. Read through the following questions to see if you company is on the right track toward an effective disaster recovery plan.
1. Are your company's critical systems backed up on an hourly or daily basis?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
2. Are your company's critical systems accessible in the cloud?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
3. Does your business have an emergency contingency plan in case a disaster strikes?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
4. If a disaster struck your office or business location, would your systems keep running, uninterrupted?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
5. If your systems were hacked or otherwise compromised, do you have clean data backups that can be implemented swiftly?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
6. If there is a system or server failure, can your company's data and website be restored quickly?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
7. Are your employees aware of the latest security threats and how to identify them?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
8. Are your employees regularly informed about what to do if a system failure, cyberattack, or natural disaster occurs?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
9. Is each department in your company aware of what to do and how to collaborate in the event of a system failure, cyberattack, or natural disaster?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
10. Are employees outside of your IT department aware of what to do if a disaster strikes and are they trained to perform the basics?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
11. Does your business have redundant servers and data centers in various locations?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
12. Do each of your employees have an emergency contact list?
Yes |
No |
I Don't Know |
If you responded "yes" to eight or more questions, your company is on solid footing when it comes to disaster preparedness.
If you responded "no" or "I don't know'" to four or more of these questions your disaster preparedness needs some work.
Read our past blog post: 5 Parts to a Solid Disaster Receovery Plan.
Get help to create a Disaster Recovery Plan
iV4 can guide you through all stages of disaster recovery strategy, planning and implementation. Our Recovery Managed IT Solution reduces the complexity and controls the cost of building and maintaining an offsite infrastructure for backups and disaster recovery.