iV4 Blog

What is an Office 365 Immersion Experience?

Written by iV4 Blog | Jul 10, 2017 12:00:00 PM

Not sure what an Office 365 Immersion Experience is all about? Keep reading.


A Solution to a Real Problem

The Office 365 Immersion Experience solves a problem we all face, researching a new software solution for our company. Typically, it starts with a business problem or inefficiency that triggers the need for a new software to help resolve the problem. Which then begins the process of reading whitepapers, attending webinars, and setting up demos.

The Office 365 Immersion Experience takes a different approach. 

Pain Points at the Forefront

When the Office 365 Immersion Experience begins, each attendee identifies a pain point or challenge they are currently facing in relation to technology. Some examples in the past have been: lack of document management, inability to work remote, and communication challenges.

iV4’s Microsoft Certified Facilitators will then continually refer back to those pain points and specifically identify how Office 365 products and features will help overcome those challenges.

Not Your Typical Event

There is no set agenda, presentation or sales pitch at an Office 365 Immersion Experience. Each session is highly interactive, engaging, and customized.

Not only might you uncover pain points in your organization you may not have even been aware of, but you will also get more familiar with all the different tools available with Office 365. In addition to exploring the Office 365 product suite, you will also get to try Windows 10 on a Microsoft device (Surface, Notebook, etc.) provided for you.

The Office 365 Immersion Experience covers more than just the core Office applications. Some sessions we have delivered with a focus on:


What are you waiting for?

If you have already migrated to Office 365, or are considering it, then take the next step and request your own in-house Office 365 Immersion Experience or contact us.